Tailor-made solutions

We offer customized and unique solutions, specific to each and every customer, as we understand that each customer needs are different. Our unwavering focus is to add value and to create a strong impact for our customers.

Our Agile University Management Solutions offers the best value and ROI to our customers.

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Savings on admin and stationary costs

The Complete Solutions

Customized and fully integrated platform.

Built-in automation

Our 360 degree portal has a very easy and intuitive interface and is fully automated. Lot of manual processes are converted into eGovernance to remove redundant steps, to eradicate mistakes, validate on the user side and to create a digital record for all transactions for future reference.

Customized workflows

Our role play is to be Customer Centric. We try to integrate latest technologies with the Customer's requirements so as to keep them technologically relevant. We use pioneering engagement and process models that are custom designed to meet our client needs.

Real-time analytics

High Fidelity state-of-the-art custom designed reports to give excellent visual representation of the data as per the customers requirements. Our reports interface have been designed to help the management in decision making.

Our Solutions power the best Universities in the country

End-to-end solution

We provide end-to-end seamless connectivity across various entities using latest and diverse technologies integrated with social media platforms.

Customer Centric

Our main impetus is to understand the existing process and the business, and couple it with the customer requirements to get a fair estimation.


With 15+ years of experience, we have learned with technology and time. We have grown with our clients in this journey.


Our project costing has always being keeping the customer in mind and making sure our work is paramount for their success.

Customized Offering

We provide customized services to our clients’ all over the globe using the best talents to give the desired results.

Team Culture

Our team is the holy grail of our organization and we practise an awesome team culture in making sure our customers are happy.

Strategies That Work

Right strategies & implementations

E-governance - Visibility/Accountability

Paperless Office - Speed/Efficiency

Digitalization - Filling Gaps in Existing Systems



Cloud Server - Accuracy/Reduced Risk

Enterprise continuous Improvement

Cost savings

Solution that grows with you

Our integrated platform seemlessly communicates with all the modules to enable real time data flow in a safe and secure environment. Our solution has been designed with scalability in mind and enables the customers to scale-up easily.

  • Best ROI among peers.

  • Used by the top universities.

  • VAPT Compatible.

  • Unlimited custom designed reports.

  • Simple and easy user interface.

  • Rapid implementation.

  • 24*7 Support.
